Be Convinced -Islam is the True Religion of God to Humanity

29. August 2012 Basics 0

Be Convinced Islam is the True Religion of God to Humanity

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

We start by the name of God, Allah, the Creator of All things, the only one who deserves to be worshipped, the merciful to the believers and non-believers in this world, and the one whose mercy is only for the Believers in the hereafter, the one who is attributed with attributes of perfection and is clear of any imperfection and the one who does not need any of his creations. We ask Allah to guide the misguided ones to the correct path and the true religion.


What is Islam? 

Linguistically, Islam means submission, a specified submission. It is the submission to what the prophet brought. This takes place by uttering a statement called ‘shahadatayn’ – the two testifications of faith. Belief, on the other hand, linguistically means a specified certitude. It is to accept as true what the prophets brought. Islam is not acceptable without Belief and Belief is not accepted without Islam.

The least of Belief is belief in the two testifications of faith, the belief in the oneness of God, Allah, and in the belief in the Prophets that God sent.


It’s important to know that Islam, the submission to one Creator, the belief that there’s only ONE God that deserves to be worshiped, is the Religion of all the prophets.

There is only one true Religion–that of believing the correct belief in Allah and His messengers, worshipping Allah only, loving, respecting, and following the prophet of the time, and loving and respecting other prophets. Every prophet and messenger followed and called people to the same Religion; this Religion is called ISLAM.


A believer in Islam is called a MUSLIM. And to make it clear, the meaning of Islam is “to submit to Allah“. The meaning of the word Muslim is “one who submits to Allah.” The name Allah is the name of the only true God. Although prophets and messengers spoke different languages, what they called people to was the same Religion. A person can declare that he believes and follows the true Religion–Islam–in any language, for belief is known to Allah regardless of the language. Those who say they are Muslim, yet deny the true belief in their heart, with their tongue, or by some actions, are surely not Muslim. Allah knows fully who are the ones who truly believe in Islam. Both messengers Moses and Jesus called their people to the true Religion–Islam–which is clearly described in the Quraan–the last and preserved scripture for all of mankind on earth.


This was a short intro about the meaning of Islam and Muslims.


The Holy Books


And we said that the only true Religion is Islam. So let it be clear that the true followers of Prophet Moses and Prophet Jesus, where those who believed that they were Prophet of Allah and asked people to worship Allah only. This is all mentioned in the holy book, the Quraan. Now we will use Intellectual Proves to prove the authenticity of the Holy and Final Book, Al-Quraan.


We do not accept the now-held and used Bible, because it has many versions, and because it has many changes by man, where as the Quraan, it’s still the same, Millions of it all of it THE SAME, as it has been revealed on our Prophet, Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessing be upon him and on the previous Prophets of Allah.


The Quraan and the Intellectual proves are what invalidates the perverted and changed books.


The Quraan calls people to Worship Allah the only one who deserves to be worshiped. Likewise, any of the previously Revealed Holy books before being altered, modified or changed.


It would be fair enough, to look at the proofs that are intellectual, and comply with the sound mind, and to be able to comprehend them and follow accordingly.


Simply, this clarification, is confirming the true beliefs of the Prophets of the Religion i.e., Islam and as we mentioned, Islam means Submission. To submit to one Creator who created all things. And that he is the only one who deserves to be worshipped. And that All Prophets came with this belief.

Men and women are one of the creations of Allah. They are distinct from plants, animals, jinn, and angels. They were created after angels and jinn; the first man was created from clay. Allah puts a soul into man but in no way is man’s soul Allah, or “a part of Allah”. The first man was Adam and all human beings come from his family. Adam had no mother or father; he was created and given life by Allah. Allah created a wife for Adam who bore his children. Allah created the human beings to order them to believe, profess the truth about Allah and His messengers, worship Allah only, and follow His orders during life on earth. Some of mankind has and does worship Allah correctly, obeys His orders, and will be rewarded beyond imagination. Some of mankind has not and will not worship Allah correctly and will be punished by Allah with severity in Hellfire.


Allah is the one who guides and truly saves from Hellfire. We ask Allah to gather us with the Prophets in Paradise.


It’s obvious that the modified and perverted books are not trustworthy recourse; in fact, it’s not acceptable to call it the book of God or the holy book anymore because it’s not. It has been pretty much authored by man full of sins. It’s not the authentic messages of God anymore; it’s the assumptions and ideologies of certain people that made the Bible turn out like a legendary book with very poor structure and contradictive topics.


Let it be known that no one claimed that the Quraan came to falsify other Books. All holy books taught that Islam is the only true religion. That means all Prophets and Messengers were Muslims, that is, they believed in one God, and that this God is the only true God and he only deserves to be worshipped. The laws in the Quraan differed from previous laws of other Prophets. But the religion is one, ISLAM.


We tell the Christian person, that you cannot falsify the FACT that the so-called Bible, or Gospel, has been changed. It has changed more than any book known! That’s a fact that cannot be denied.


As for the Quraan, it is the eternal speech of Allah. By it, Allah orders and forbids.


All those who hear the Call of Islam, that No one is God expect Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, are obligated to become Muslims and accept Islam. Even if they claimed they followed Jesus or Moses. For them to be saved, they MUST become Muslims, that is, they must believe in the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad.


A simple intellectual proof to falsify the legends of the bibles and stories is about Jesus. Jesus was a man who had a beginning; he used to eat, drink and defecate and needed the care of his mother as he grew up. After the care of his mother, he relied on Allah who created him.


Thus, understanding this with the sound mind must come to a conclusion that for one to be God; He must be attributed with perfection and is clear of ALL imperfection. And God is powerful does not need his creations. A human cannot be God.




Men and women are one of the creations of Allah. They are distinct from plants, animals, jinn, and angels. They were created after angels and jinn; the first man was created from clay. Allah puts a soul into man but in no way is man’s soul Allah, or “a part of Allah”. The first man was Adam and all human beings come from his family. Adam had no mother or father; he was created and given life by Allah. Allah created a wife for Adam who bore his children. Allah created the human beings to order them to believe, profess the truth about Allah and His messengers, worship Allah only, and follow His orders during life on earth. Some of mankind has and does worship Allah correctly, obeys His orders, and will be rewarded beyond imagination. Some of mankind has not and will not worship Allah correctly and will be punished by Allah with severity in Hellfire.


This life of a human or jinn always ends with death and there is no exception. Humans do not choose their race, sex, parents, or birthplace and will not be held accountable for those aspects of their life on the Day of Judgment. No human is doomed to Hell because he was born as a certain sex or race. Allah the Merciful has promised any human or jinn who dies as a follower of the true Religion will receive Paradise forever. Those people who truly never heard about the correct belief in Allah and any of the messengers during their entire lifetime and died in that state will not go to Hellfire. But those sane and pubescent people who have heard of the correct belief in Allah and His messenger and die not embracing this true Religion will dwell in Hell forever.


The correct belief in Allah has never changed and every prophet and messenger has said the same concerning belief in Allah: No one is God but Allah and mankind is to believe in Him and worship Him only. The prophet for the people on earth at present is Muhammad, may Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, and the laws for the present population are the laws that Prophet Muhammad was given by Allah for mankind. There will be no new laws given, for there will be no new messenger.


Usually, the person is given one life in this world, so a person is wise to live this life correctly. No matter how appealing it is to some people, they will not “reincarnate” after they die. This and other false beliefs about mankind and Allah are whispered into human’s minds by Satan and the devils, and some men are fooled into believing them.




We tell the them, these are facts that your sect must look thoroughly at with open eyes, and think about it, because if they do so, they truly will know the value of the Quraan.


Prophet Muhammad challenged all the Arabs to come with one Verse similar to the smallest verse in the Quraan, when the Arabs had articulated the Arabic language. If they were able, they would have done so and have saved themselves from the bloodshed.


Among the allegation and false claims about Islam is that Muhammad made the Quraan!!


Prophet Muhammad (The Trustworthy, as he was named by the people of his tribe) was an unlettered human being, and Allah chose him to be the final Prophet, the Prophet that Jesus mentioned about in the true holy book that was sent onto Prophet Jesus may peace and blessings of ALLAH, his creator, be upon him.


Some people have gone extremely astray, by claiming the Jesus became God, or son of God.


The main allegation that some come up with, is that Prophet Muhammad made up a religion called Islam, that has become biggest and the fastest growing religion today.


Simply tell them, why would Jesus be punished for people’s sins? If your son x did a mistake would you punish y for it?? Would that be justice?? and if sins of people have been forgiven by the death of Jesus as you claim, would it make sense to you that it takes God the effort of killing “his son” as they claim to forgive sins of people he created???


And also, if the sins have been forgiven of the people, than why is it wrong for the person to kill? Or rape? Or steal?? And why is he being punished by the so called judicial system and put in jail or put to death… if his sins are forgiven??


We say all Prophets were Muslims, they believed in the oneness of Allah. And we say that Prophet Muhammad renewed the call of Islam. Allah revealed on him Al-Quraan, since it’s the final holy book for the final Prophet. The Quraan had common issues pertaining to beliefs in the books, such as the well known books, Towrat (Torah), Injil, and Zaboor. All books came with one religion, and one belief about Allah, the creator. All Holy books that Allah sent onto the Prophets, had the teachings to submit and worship Allah as the only God that deserves to be worshipped, this is the definition of the term, Islam. Linguistically, Islam means submission. According to Islamic terminology, Islam means a specified submission. It is the submission to what the prophet brought, to believe in Allah and in his Prophets.


The Quraan itself is a fact that it’s the orders of Allah and his speech. Looking at the astonishing and rich information in the Quraan, the scientific issues, or issues that told about things that will occur and they occurred prove this. We will give examples about this later on.


We say, in the ancient times all the people had the same religion which is the religion of Islam. The only true religion accepted by Allah is Islam. So anyone who takes another religion, his religion is not accepted by Allah, and if he dies on that state and he had heard about Islam, and rejected it, he will be among the losers in the hereafter. In Al-Quraan, Allah said in (verse Al Imran: 85) which means The one who seeks a religion other than Al-Islam; it is not accepted from him. All the prophets were Muslims. That’s from the Islamic point of view.


Prophets and Messengers


It’s not true that God would reveal on his Messengers or Prophets different Religions that contradict each other in essentials. A messenger is a prophet who comes with abrogating some of the laws brought by the previous messenger or receives a new set of laws. But the religion is one, believing in the oneness of God, Allah. 


Hence Allah sent all the Prophets to follow one religion. The true scriptures were Revelations received by these Prophets. Moses and Jesus both received scriptures, but what are now called the Torah and the Bible have been tampered with by man and are not the true Revelations received by the great messengers Moses and Jesus. The only scripture which is unchanged and will never be changed is the Quraan, which is the scripture Allah gave Muhammad, His last prophet, in clear and eloquent Arabic.


Allah has promised to protect the Quraan from any changes by man and it has remained unchanged since it was received some 1400 years ago.


And this is a fact; all copies of al-Quraan are same, one and only script that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad by angel Gabriel.



So, Prophets had one Religion, some of the laws between one messenger and the other differed.

For example, at the time of Prophet Adam, Lady Eve, his wife, had many children that were twins. The twins would be female and male at each delivery (except the last one, it was not a twin).


The brother was allowed to marry his sister during that time, but the law he can marry his sister from the other delivery not from the same delivery. That was during Prophet Adams time. And obviously it’s not the law of Prophet Mohammad, or previous Prophets, such as Jesus, Moses, David, Jacob, or Isaac. For, it’s forbidden in their laws for the brother to marry from his sister. That’s the kind of difference in laws.


Also other differences that they had were like the number of obligatory prayers. Some were obliged to pray 2 times, and some were obliged 5 times and similar differences, that are not in beliefs but in practices of the Religion. They all worshipped Allah, the creator, the one who brought the creations from the state of non existent to the state of existent.


And those who claim that Jesus came with the right religion, and the proof that Jesus existed and he was as some claim “the son of God” we ask them to show us the real bible that Jesus had?!


They say that the bible was not collected into one “canon”, that affirms that the bible they are referring to is made by man, and is NOT the message of God. Good point? So according to their claim, man made up your religion, it’s not the religion of God, that is not the religion that God ordered his people to follow.


This also indicates that for example christianity was set 481 years ago as they say. Which means the humans before that time were not Christian? Rather they would have a different religion.


And it’s intellectually unacceptable that God sent different religions opposing each other to the people to follow! One that believes that there are five Gods, or two Gods, or millions of Gods..! That’s not right. So certainly the bible is perverted.


The problem is that Christians have been perverting in that book throughout history. At the time of Prophet Muhammad, Christians had different sects and beliefs. The bible was first changed when the real followers of Jesus died. People started to change the book, claiming that it had many obligations on people, so they said we must reduce the obligations and rules on the people so it becomes easy for people to accept it.


And whether these changes are modern or not, they are a clear evident that the Christian religion is a false one and is not the religion Allah revealed to Prophet Jesus. Because Religion is sent onto a Prophet to convey it to the People to practice it and follow it. That’s why Allah sends the Prophets, and that’s why the one that encounters the call of that Prophet is accountable on the Day of Judgment. As for Islam, it complies with sound mind, it’s known in the Quraan, which is one book, and is known from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, the man of miracles that prove his prophethood.


We urge and advise for non-Musilms to accept Islam, and testify with the belief that no one deserves to be worshipped but Allah, the creator of everything.