What is Islam ?

30. August 2012 Basics, Creed 0
    What is Islam?   Linguistically, Islam means submission. According to Islamic terminology, Islam means a specified submission. It is the submission to what the prophet brought. This takes place by uttering the two testification of faith. Belief, on the other hand, linguistically means certitude. According to Islamic terminology, it means a specified certitude. It ...


30. August 2012 Basics, Creed 0
Shaykh Fakhrud-Din Ibn ^Asakir, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: In the Name of Allah, The Merciful to the believers and non-believers in this world, and The Merciful to the believers only in the next world.  Know, may Allah guide us and you, that it is obligatory upon every accountable person to know that ...

8 Important Rules to Protect Your Faith (Iman)

30. August 2012 Creed 0
The 1st Rule Whoever denies any matter that is “commonly known and immediately recognized by the Muslims to be of the Religion” blasphemes.[1] The 2nd Rule Whoever says, does, or believes anything that belittles Allah, His Messengers, His Books, His Angels, His Rules, His Promise, His Threat, His Rites (the Well-Known Practices of His Religion), ...