Three very precious hours during Ramadan

01. June 2017 Du^aa's 0
Three very precious hours during Ramadan (and otherwise): 1. The first hour in the morning after Fajr prayer.* An-Nawawiyy said, “Know that (amongst) the most honorable times for dhikr is in the morning, i.e., dhikr after SubH (Fajr) prayer.” And the scholars mentioned the recommendation of using this hour for dhikr (remembrance of Allah) until ...

The Owners of the Garden

29. December 2016 Advice, Stories 0
  Allah states in the Holy Qur’an in Surat al-Qalam something about the story of the owners of a great garden who did not obey God’s orders. Thus, He deprived them of it as a punishment for their evil intentions. In Yemen, which was known for its fruitful gardens and fertile land, a pious man ...

مذهب السلف والخلف بالنسبة للآيات والأحاديث المتشابهة

الشيخ محمود بن محمد خطاب السبكي المصري وهو من مشايخ الأزهر (المتوفى سنة 1352للهجرة) في كتابه (إتحاف الكائنات ببيان مذهب السلف والخلف في المتشابهات ورد شبه الملحدة والمجسمة وما يعتقدونه من المفتريات) قال ما نصه : “وأما مذهب السلف والخلف بالنسبة للآيات  والأحاديث المتشابهة فقد اتفق الكل على أن الله تعالى منزه عن صفات الحوادث ...

حكم التبرك

أبدؤها بقول بسم الله تنزه الرحمن عن أشباه وأَحْمَدُ الإلهَ ذَا الجلاَلِ لفضلِهِ بالهَدْي والنوال ثُمَّ الصلاةُ والسلام منا على نَبِيٍّ للفَلاح سنا طريقةَ التبرُكِ الميمونَة في ذاكَ أهلُ العِلمِ يتبَعونَه فإن رأيتُم من أتاكم يَدَّعي بأنَّهُ غيرَ الهُدىَ لَم يتبعِ وقد أحَلَّ حُرْمَةً ضلالا من جهلِه أو حرَّمَ الحلالاَ قولوا له إذْ حَرَّمَ التبرُكَ ...

Sins, Shame and REPENTANCE

Praise be to Allah. I Humbly ask Allah to Raise the rank of Prophet MuHammad, sallallaahu ^alayhi wa sallam, his kind Al and Companions, and to Protect his nation from that which he Fears for it. Aameen.   I ask Allah to teach us that which we have Forgotten, to add to our Knowledge, and ...

Jesus, A Prophet of God

24. October 2016 Basics 0
I ask God to bestow upon you and I the clear understanding and to instill in our hearts the truth.   All Praise is due to Allah, The Exalted, and may Allah raise the rank of our beloved Prophet MuHammad peace be upon him, his kind relatives and companions, and protect his nation from that ...

Reaching Piety by Perfecting Your Prayer

01. October 2016 Advice 0
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, the One Who guided us to Islaam without being obligated to do so, and blessed us with strong, upright teachers who can help guide us correctly. And may the salaah and salaam of Allah be upon His most accepted creation, Muhammad, our leader and role model, and ...