To celebrate the birth of the Prophet by doing rewardable deeds– that can be done on any day of the year–is considered an innovated practice because this was not done at the time of the Prophet. Although this innovation was praised by the Muslim scholars of Islam, some people consider any innovation an innovation of ...
And God has made you a moderate nation. (2: 143) At a time when “Islam” is widely discussed in the Western media, little is said about what Muslims consider the most important aspect of their religion, namely their belief in God. The heart of Islam is Tawheed. The term Tawheed is derived from the trilateral ...
What is the Mawlid: The Mawlid is a joyful event during which Muslims gather to thank Allah for sending Prophet Muhammad, peace on him. The Muslims commemorate this event repeatedly every year on the 12th of Rabee` al’Awwal, which is the day when the Prophet was born. During this event, the Muslims come together, recite ...
Below are quotes from the sayings of the Great salafi imams such as Ibn Abbas, Mujahid, Ibnul-Jawziy, Ahmad bin Hanbal, Sufyan ath-Thawri, ad-Dahhak, Sa^id bin al-Jubair, at-Tabariy, al-Hassan al-Basriy, and Imam al-Bukhariy. Ta’weel Ibn Abbas “as-Saq” to Hardship 1- أول ابن عباس قوله تعالى {يَوْمَ يُكْشَفُ عَنْ سَاقٍ} فقال “يكشف عن شدة” فأول الساق بالشدة. ذكر ذلك الحافظ ابن حجر في ...
قيل Innovation Definition The linguistic meaning of bidˆah (innovation) is: مَا أُحْدِثَ عَلَى غَيْرِ مِثَالٍ سَابِقٍ ‘that which was made without a previous example’. Religiously, it is that which was not documented in the Qur’aan, and did not come in the Sunnah. Ibnu-l-ˆArabiyy said “The innovation (bidˆah; muhdath) is not dispraised merely because of the ...
هذا الكتاب الحاوي للفتاوى تأليف الإمام الحافظ جلال الدين السيوطي المتوفى سنة 911 هـ. يقول: ” أن أصل عمل المولد الذي هو اجتماع الناس وقراءة ما تيسر من القرآن ورواية الأخبار الواردة في مبدأ أمر النبي وما وقع في مولده من الآيات ثم يُمدّ لهم سماط يأكلونه وينصرفون من غير زيادة على ذلك هو من ...
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What is the Mawlid: The Mawlid is a joyful event during which Muslims gather to thank Allah for sending Prophet Muhammad, peace on him. The Muslims commemorate this event repeatedly every year on the 12th of Rabee` al’Awwal, which is the day when the Prophet was born. During this event, the Muslims come together, recite ...
It was said Among their strongest fallacies and wickedest of heresies is their corrupted talk about tawassul. Perhaps they misguide more people with this fallacy than with their talk about likening Allah to the creations. They say to the unsuspecting person, “Do you worship the graves? Do you worship the Prophets? Do you call upon ...
Muslims never approve lies in the name of Jesus. We do not follow those who attribute God and the Prophets with non befitting attributes. What some people do in Christmas disagree with what all the Prophets came with. Muslims do not congratulate others for insulting God. Muslims love all Prophets but they never worship any ...
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